CloudStack uses virtual appliances as part of its orchestration. For example, it uses virtual routers for SDN, secondary storage vm for snapshots, templates etc. All these service appliances are created off a template called a systemvm template in CloudStack’s terminologies. This template appliance is patched to create secondary storage vm, console proxy vm or router vm. There was an old way of building systemvms in patches/systemvm/debian/ which is no longer maintained and we wanted to have a way for hackers to just build systemvms on their own box.

James Martin did a great job on automating DevCloud appliance building using veewee, a tool with which one can build appliances on VirtualBox. The tool itself is easy to use, you first define what kind of box you want to build, configure a preseed file and add any post installation script you want to run, once done you can export the appliance in various formats using vhd-util, qemu-img and vboxmanage. I finally fixed a solution to this problem today and the code lives in tools/appliance on master branch but this post is not about that solution but about the issues and challenges of setting up an automated jenkins job and on replicating the build job.

I used Ubuntu 12.04 on a large machine which runs a jenkins slave and connects to After little housekeeping I installed VirtualBox from VirtualBox comes up with its command line tool, vboxmanage which can be used to clone, copy and export appliance. I used it to export it to ova, vhd and raw image formats. Next, installed qemu which gets you qemu-img for exporting a raw disk image to the qcow2 format.

The VirtualBox vhd format is compatible to HyperV virtual disk format, but for exporting VHD for Xen, we need to export the appliance to raw disk format and then use vhd-util to convert it to Xen VHD image.

Unfortunately, the vhd-util I got did not work for me, so I just compiled my own from an approach suggested on this blog:

sudo apt-get install bzip2 python-dev gcc g++ build-essential libssl-dev
uuid-dev zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libx11-dev python-dev iasl bin86 bcc
gettext libglib2.0-dev libyajl-dev
# On 64 bit system
sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386
# Build vhd-util from source
wget -q
tar -xzf xen-4.2.0.tar.gz
cd xen-4.2.0/tools/
wget -qO - | patch -p0
./configure --disable-monitors --disable-ocamltools --disable-rombios --disable-seabios
cd blktap2/vhd
make -j 2
sudo make install

Last thing was to setup rvm for the jenkins user:

$ \curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby
# In case of dependency or openssl error:
$ rvm requirements run
$ rvm reinstall 1.9.3

One issue with rvm is that it requires a login shell, which I fixed in using #!/bin/bash -xl. But the build job failed for me due to missing env variables. $HOME needs to be defined and rvm should be in path. The shell commands used to run the jenkins job:

export PATH=/home/jenkins/.rvm/bin:$PATH
export rvm_path=/home/jenkins/.rvm
export HOME=/home/jenkins/
cd tools/appliance
rm -fr iso/ dist/
chmod +x